28 December 2009

Christmas Blessings

94.Pumpkin Pancakes with REAL maple syrup
95. Family Laughter
96. Super Cute First Shoes for the Girls (and great for their feet too!)

97. Gift Cards 
98. Derek and I finally starting to put our photos on the walls. I can't wait until the whole wall is covered in sweet memories!
99.The cow toy we bought the girls. Aeralind's obsessed.

100. My Sweet husband wrapping his arm around me to keep me warm at a restaurant when I'm already wearing his coat and he's cold too.
101. Bronwyn snuggles at church.
102. My dad holding his grandbabies

103. The Child that came to Save

holy experience


Jenny said...

Sweet picture of your dad holding your babies!

Chelsea said...

Aeralind and the cow? PRECIOUS!

Melissa Ann said...

Love you to visit you here...I am Melissa Ann too...A Canadian One...

Valyre said...

Our boys are almost 7mo now and they STILL go crazy for Jacques the Peacock. It looks like your cow is going to be in the same boat. hehe