19 July 2010

More Endless Gifts

613. Rain! Rain! Rain!
614. Babies standing at the window watching rain
615. Bronwyn scared by thundery
616. Aeralind signing 'more' (though it looks like clapping)
617. A short visit from Sara
618. Swimming laps in the early morning alone
619. 2 great groups on the challenge course
620. An old (high school) rainbow colored pen found
621. My short hair in pigtails
622. Flushed baby cheeks
623. Rapidly shrinking debt
624. Hopper girls caring for my babies
625. 4 Hopper girl hugs
626 Baby Playdates at Becca's
627. Perfectly cooked turkey breast
628. Babies chasing little friends
629. Babies pulled up to stand on me
630. Capable little hands
631. Stout little legs
632. A cleverly cut (and well worn) maternity skirt from last summer remade into wear all the time linen shorts for this summer.
633. Babies 'helping' fold diapers
634. Babies crawling all over daddy
635. Babies yelling to be held by daddy
636. Leftover
637. The Hopper's skirted scarecrow
638. Soft baby cheeks
639. Babies laughing together as sthey play
640. The unexpected opportunity to photograph the Steven's clan :)

holy experience

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