15 August 2011


One evening last week I opened the back door to two things.  A Palmetto Bug (think: the world's largest cockroach) and a perfectly woven tiny little nest.

The bug didn't last 45 seconds.

Then nest is still sitting in my kitchen, quietly bearing witness to the beauty that God weaves daily.

This week thing are finally starting to come together in our spare-junk-room to be turned into a nursery.  At almost 8 months pregnant, I'm finally beginning to nest.  The excitement of creating this room is almost too much for me to fall asleep some nights.

This morning it strikes me: can you imagine the joy God gets out of creating the world anew each day as a space for His children if I'm getting so much joy from painting and sewing pillows and putting together a crib?

I slap yellow paint on walls and stroke grey gently on a dresser and each second I'm more excited about this new little person to love.  

Can you fathom the love in each sunrise and sunset, perfectly painted gifts from above?

Counting #2151-2181 of the breathtaking things He creates for me each day.
  • 23 Months with Sweet girls
  • Laughter between crib rails as I tickl toes
  • Finally a dresser from Craigslist!
  • Immediate response for my Queen mattress and bookshelves.
  • The prospect of finally having enough space in the nursery to be to paint!
  • Curtain panels cut
  • Becca watching the girls (and taking them to the pool: brave lady!) while I had a long OB appointement
  • Quiet long hours at the OB sewing felt food
  • Phone call from Julia telling me she was praying for me
  • Watching "Mighty Machines" in Brady's bed (Becca's son) and his sweet snuggles
  • Tickle fights with Brady
  • Bronwyn super excited about the "gucks" and "gars" and "ah pane!" in Brady's room
  • Quiet morning at the park
  • Carseats on sale provide for by my generous parents
  • The spanking spoon
  • Toddler words I can understand
  • "Psycho Baby" rolling, twisting, kicking, and generally going nuts inside of me!
  • Girls eating chunks of raw squash that I'd hallowed out to stuff
  • Baked Apples
  • Fun at Roper Mt.
  • Girls 'bocking' at the chickens
  • Crowing at the rooster
  • Derek picking me a bouquet of "weeds" he was digging out of the corn
  • Little girls curled up on a genuine rope strung feather bd
  • Watching them tuck each other in and giggle
  • Walking through the heirloom garden "melling" flowers and sampling herbs
  • first coat of nursery paint finished
  • drawer fronts primed and painted
  • Pumpking doughnuts baked
  • Perfect little bird's nest right outside my back door
  • unexpected overtime
  • Watching a movie and snuggling at the end of a long weekend

holy experience

1 comment:

Christina said...

I love the parallel between our nesting and Gods love in creating for us. Thanks for that. Nesting is so much fun--enjoy!