Sometimes I just need to slow and savor some little moments. Even if the days are overflowing with a screaming baby, whining toddlers, and an anger prone momma.
2885-2920 Savory Gifts from Him
- Smell of Roast in the crockpot
- Yarn hanging from the needles
- The way Sedryn Boy loves his changing table and his tummy rubs
- Those eyes
- Waking drowsy daughters
- Extra nighttime sleep
- Getting to sleep pretty consistently until 4:15
- My story blessing others
- Two girls holding hands on their own
- Hobby Lobby: I promise it's like preschool for us!
- All 3 napping together for 90 minutes for the first tiem this week
- Sewing little girl panties from old t-shirts
- Sedryn's little baby head smell
- Having "Mrs. Jen" over from across the street to hold screaming stuffy nose Sedryn while I cooked dinner
- Having Jen tell her story
- Aeralind learning to roll a summersault all by herself!
- Girls who ask for what food they want
- Not peeing in my pants while nursing in the middle of the night
- Small-Batch Brownies
and chocolate sour cream frosting. Yum!
- Casting off the body of my first sweater
- Voluntary Aeralind snuggles
- Bronwyn grinning silly while kissing both my cheeks and asking me to do the same
- husband snuggles
- Little blue eyes
- Bags of homemade chicken broth
- Freedom to vote
- Sedryn's happy eating noise
- The girls responding well to the responsibility to stay in their beds until the ocean music stops at nap time or until the alarm beeps in the morning.
- Derek warm and in bed waiting for me to finish nursing
- Smell of Bacon permeating the house
- Running the oven on cold days
- Girls asking for me to take them to the grocery store
- Sedryn finally taking 2 hour naps- even if they are at odd times!
- Sedryn's little fist in his mouth
- Confused trees starting to bloom
- girls bouncing on a naked bed

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