01 August 2012


I've cut to the quick with words.
Cut the fabric of people to misshapen bits.
My own life, too.

Oh, but God!

He takes those pieces realigns them.
Creates in us new things.
Carefully jutting edges.
Easing seams.

Doing this all the while
Unrecognized by me
A new thing of beauty
A quilt of His restoration.

3440-4458  Moments of restoration
  • A & B gleefully sliding down into their pool face first
  • Sedryn sitting up regularly to investigate toys and watch his sisters
  • Avocados and Salmon salad
  • Pretty bits of fabric
  • Sharing that the gospel rescues from fear and condemnation with a friend
  • Many coming over to watch the girls last minute
  • An hour alone with Sedryn at the Dr.'s
  • Little boy sitting up and crawling like a big boy
  • Finding Mandy and the girls playing with baking soda vinegar and food color
  • A Mandy hug
  • Hard decisions
  • Early bedtime
  • How I look outside to see two naked girls sliding into their pool
  • When I pray a "silly" prayer about rearranging Sedryn's nap ending potty schedule- God answers immediately- Oh, how He cares for the little things
  • Sedryn pushing the big ball and crawl-chasing after it
  • Seeing teh girls sit down for their tea party, hold hands, and pray "Dear Jesus, dear jesus. AMEN!"
  • How we decide to watch a movie over going fishing and when the movie is over at bedtime- Aeralind says sweetly, "We go fishing now?"
  • How Bronwyn says "Here you go, honey." to tell me there was a tortilla to cook- echoing what daddy had said moments before.

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