1. Feed and Burp Babies (total time 25 minutes)
2. Decide to walk around the block in the $400 stroller someone gave us (10 sec)
3. Put together Baby Jogger and adjust stroller for babies' height (20 min)
4. Change, Bundle Up, and Settle Baby A and B in the stroller(7 min)
5. Squeeze stroller through doors and down the steps (3 min)
6. Run back inside and grab water bottle and handful of chocolate chips (50 sec)
7. Start strolling to the end of the street and up the corner (3 min)
8. Realize tires are flat and go back to the house (3 min)
9. Retrieve tire pump, attempt to pump up one tire (7 min)
10. Realize pump does not work, ask neighbor if she has one (5 min)
11. Neighbor comes to look at girls without a pump (5 min)
12. Retrieve both car seats and put in Double Snap and Go (3 min)
13. Transfer both girls to DSaG (3 min)
14. Squeeze jogger back up porch and into the house (2 min)
15. Grab more chocolate chips (10 sec)
16. Call Derek while walking down the street to share the humor (5 min)
17. Continue walking and return home (7 min)
18. Grab mail and smile at Marcie's Christmas card (2 min)
19. Bring girls into the house, return DSaG to my car trunk, drink some water (6 min)
20. Lug girls and car seats into their room praying they'll sleep another hour (5 min)
21. Grab bag of chocolate chips and type this post (8 min)
I'm EXHAUSTED. Whew! I guess I got some exercise... though not what I was planning. Now back to the Vegan Chocolate Chips. Maybe I'll grab another bag or three tonight...
1 comment:
I'm glad the card didn't come off as stalkery. :D
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